MS Windows 10
Web Development
Luach for Python
Yiddish software
Design of this page: David Greve
For historical reasons, the design is not modern
PHP Luach source code (Yiddish)
The source code of the
PHP Luach (for PHP 7) is available free of
charge for online calendars for Jewish congregations or Jewish
non-profit organizations
PHP Luach source code (English)
Source code of the
PHP Luach (for PHP 7)
available free of charge for online calendars
for Jewish congregations or Jewish non-profit organizations
Separated code sections for integrating custom notes and
candle lighting times for holidays by the webmaster.
Current Jewish date and Jewish holiday in PHP
29 Adar 5785 / כט אדר ה׳תשפ״ה
- Contains PHP code for displaying the current Jewish date and current Jewish holiday, including Yizkor, in English and Hebrew
- Provides also displaying of Jewish date and holiday of other Gregorian dates
- Requires PHP 7 and enabled calendar extension in the PHP interpreter of the webhoster
- This code is free of charge for Jewish congregations to use on their website.
If you want to get this code, please request it from me via E-Mail
New! Displaying current torah section(s) in PHP
- PHP code for displaying the current torah section(s) in English
- Displaying of torah section(s) on other dates also possible
- Requires PHP 7 and enabled calendar extension in the PHP interpreter of the webhoster
- This code is free of charge for Jewish congregations to use on their website.
If you want to get this code, please request it from me via E-Mail
PHP Birthdays/Anniversaries Calculation
PHP Yahrzeit Calculation
JavaScript Online Luach
with Yahrzeit and birthday calculation,
holiday list, Zmanim, date conversion in many languages, e.g. English, French,
Dutch, German, Hebrew, Yiddish, Russian, Ukranian, Turkish,
Czech, Polish, Romanian, Greek
Click here
Ulrich Greve