
The JewcalGetOmerCountGregorianDate function gets the Omer count of the current/given Gregorian date.
If the current/given date does not fall on a day of Omer, an error is returned.

DWORD JewcalGetOmerCountGregorianDate(LPJEWCALDATE lpGregorianDate, 
                                      int FAR* lpiOmerCount);


If it is not NULL, it must point to a JEWCALDATE structure which specifies the Gregorian date to process. If it is NULL, the current date is used.

Must point to an integer which will contain the Omer count of the given date. if the function returns JEWCAL_ERROR_OK.
If the function fails, the contents of the variable will not be changed.

Return values

If the function succeeds, the return value is JEWCAL_ERROR_OK.

If the function fails, the return value is other than JEWCAL_ERROR_OK.
When the passed date does not fall on a day of the Omer, JEWCAL_ERROR_NO_OMER_COUNT is returned.
The function also fails if the passed Gregorian date is invalid.


Omer counting starts with 1 at 16th of Nisan and ends with 49 on 5th of Sivan.

This function is new in version 1.1, build 2

See Also

JewcalGetOmerCountHebrewDate, JEWCALDATE