The JewcalGetOmerCountGregorianDate function gets the
Omer count of the current/given Gregorian date.
If the current/given date does not fall on a day of Omer, an error
is returned.
DWORD JewcalGetOmerCountGregorianDate(LPJEWCALDATE lpGregorianDate, int FAR* lpiOmerCount);
If it is not NULL, it must point to a JEWCALDATE structure which specifies the Gregorian date to process. If it is NULL, the current date is used. |
Must point to an integer which will contain the Omer count of the given date.
if the function returns JEWCAL_ERROR_OK. If the function fails, the contents of the variable will not be changed. |
If the function succeeds, the return value is JEWCAL_ERROR_OK.
If the function fails, the return value is other than JEWCAL_ERROR_OK.
When the passed date does not fall on a day of the Omer, JEWCAL_ERROR_NO_OMER_COUNT
is returned.
The function also fails if the passed Gregorian date is invalid.
Omer counting starts with 1 at 16th of Nisan and ends with 49 on 5th of Sivan.
This function is new in version 1.1, build 2