Freeware Scriptable Editor
- Editor for plain ANSI text files
- Defining of one bookmark per file via hotkey and jumping to
bookmark via hotkey
- Assigning custom tasks for hotkeys (reading the characters of the current line via vibrations, stop/resume reading,
setting a bookmark, jumping to a previously set bookmark)
- Scripting language for customization
- Script language enables to read the individual characters of the current line where the
caret is. In order to read a line, a series of vibrate on and off actions for each character is executed by
invoking programs with chooseable command line for turning the vibrator on/off; the duration of a vibration
and pause between two vibrations for each character can be customized.
- Optionally opening a file in read-only mode, also via command line
Downloading and using the program
The installation program for Scriptable Editor
can be downloaded free of charge by clicking on
After installation, the Scriptable Editor is started by clicking on the start button on the left bottom
of the screen, then on All Apps, Scriptable Editor and Scriptable Editor.
A manual, e.g. for using the scripting language, is available by clicking on the start button on the
left bottom of the screen, then on All Apps, Scriptable Editor and Scriptable Editor
Manual - please read it before using the Scriptable Editor.
License agreement
The delivered software is protected by copyright laws.
The author is not liable for consequential, incidential or indirect
damages of any kind which arise out of the use of the software.
Ulrich Greve